
Showing posts from July, 2017

Keonjhar – A hidden Gem of Orissa

Are you ready for chasing thr clouds with us The First view of Sanaghagara Entrance A small temple with a breathtaking view  Ready your camera..and click...☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ Some time pass  The Highest waterfalls of Orissa  Keonjhar is a land locked district situated in the northern part of Odisha. It is surrounded by Singhbhum district of Jharkhand in the North, Jajpur in the South, Dhenkanal and Sundargarh in the West and Mayurbhanj and Bhadrak in the East. Baitrani river originate from Keonjhar plateau. To the West is a range of lofty hills which contains some of the highest peaks of Orissa namely Gandhamardan (3477 ft.), Machakandana (3639 ft.), Gonasika ( 3219 ft.) and Thakurani ( 3003 ft.). About half of the area of this district spreading about 4043 sq. km. is covered by forests of Northern tropical moist deciduous type and contains Sal, Asan, Piasal, etc. The river Baitarani comes out of Gonasika Hills and flows to the north touching th...

Indian Law regarding Road Accident

Road Accident Near Delhi ( Picture collected from net ) Introduction Recent years road accident have come up as a major public concern as it is one of the leading causes of death and permanent disability in this country. The latest survey conducted by National Transportation Planning and Research Center one road accident takes place in every four minutes in India. Almost 97% of the road accidents are caused by rash or negligent driving. When a road accident takes place, driver may be liable of both civil and criminal cases depending upon the nature and cause of the accident. Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 mainly deal with issues related to road accidents. Indian Penal Code also covers certain areas when it comes to criminal liability. Things to do in case of a road accident (Section 132 of Motor Vehicles Act, 1988) Driver should stop his vehicle and wait for a police officer for some reasonable time when he is involved in a road accident and injures any person, animal or causes damage...